The guys at the Daily Wire (Knowles and Walsh) have made some excellent public arguments against transgenderism. So far they're only preaching to the choir, though, at places like Young Americans for Freedom rallies and such.
My parents are both independents who are staunchly against Dems but sadly everyone else in my family is a Democrat.
Literally all of my aunts, uncles and older cousins despise trannies even though they still blindly vote Dem. Only the young ones have sympathy for muh trannies.
GOP needs to take action.
This is a 70-30 issue and there is no electoral downside in going hard against trannies.
The continuing rise of the populist right will eventually force these sad sacks to nut up or be primaried out.
I know the pathetic history of the feckless
GOP establishment. The GOPe may have successfully suppressed the Tea Party movement in the 2010s but there is no chance in hell they will be able to do the same to the new populist right.
Ron DeSantis is the role model for using power to stop the left.
When Kari Lake wins and hopefully if Doug Mastriano somehow wins, we will see more of a paradigm shift in what is expected out of GOP politicians.
I hope you're right, and I think you are.
The guys at the Daily Wire (Knowles and Walsh) have made some excellent public arguments against transgenderism. So far they're only preaching to the choir, though, at places like Young Americans for Freedom rallies and such.
i hope they get some traction.
I know I am right because I have seen this.
My parents are both independents who are staunchly against Dems but sadly everyone else in my family is a Democrat.
Literally all of my aunts, uncles and older cousins despise trannies even though they still blindly vote Dem. Only the young ones have sympathy for muh trannies.
GOP needs to take action.
This is a 70-30 issue and there is no electoral downside in going hard against trannies.
The continuing rise of the populist right will eventually force these sad sacks to nut up or be primaried out.
I know the pathetic history of the feckless GOP establishment. The GOPe may have successfully suppressed the Tea Party movement in the 2010s but there is no chance in hell they will be able to do the same to the new populist right.
Ron DeSantis is the role model for using power to stop the left.
When Kari Lake wins and hopefully if Doug Mastriano somehow wins, we will see more of a paradigm shift in what is expected out of GOP politicians.