Rachel Gilmore on Twitter
“You’re both:A) contributing to ongoing harassment of journalists, andB) contributing to the legitimization (albeit in a critical way) of cosplayers larping as journalistsThe best time to stop this was before posting. The second best time is now! ??”
"Global News is “on the brink,” an executive with the country’s number three television network yesterday told a Senate hearing. The assessment came despite millions in federal subsidies and a 38% profit margin in TV: “We can no longer do this"
What's funny is that this appears to be a left-wing based parody: https://web.archive.org/web/20220916165237/https://twitter.com/CBCPitchbot
The bio says "Status-quo propaganda for the average upper-middle class white Canadian." and is full of anti-conservative & anti-colonial tweets & retweets...
agent ndn negm/they/he https://twitter.com/TheAgentNDN/status/1570814286095847426
If I were the Regime, I'd at least demand of my propagandists that they not act like utter clowns - and make themselves and me by extension look like total fools.
It's hard to tell if installation of narcissist foot soldiers like Rachel Gilmore is a feature or a bug by Trudeau strategists.
She's certainly gone from unknown TikTok correspondent to dissident lighting rod over the past year.
You'd think they'd find more Karin Jean Pierre token intersectionality plants who can't be questioned or mocked as easily instead of yet more whiny liberal white girls with ducklipped selfies.
It's a demoralization tactic from the old USSR days as well as a way to signal ingroup status, the more ridiculous the better
Far more demoralizing to have to go along with an obvious falsehood. Why did they riot over st fentynl and not eric gardner or breonna taylor? Because floyd was far worse of a person and his death far more defensible. This actually makes it more useful to display your 'virtue'. When even the republicans were tutting when eric and breonna died it's useless to a lefty. There's no social capital to be gained, no way to prove how lunatic left you are, by rallying for those people, so there was no grand riot. It needed a monster who pointed guns at pregnant women, now here's a good test of loyalty with the regime.
A dumb cause is in fact more useful to them, a better test of 'virtue'
you deserve harassment.