Riddle me this: If a show can go from being seen by hundreds of millions, to being seen by one million... And you blame racism... And racism is evil... Does that imply that over 99% of the population is evil according to your worldview?
To me, if your logic requires 99% of the population to be actively malicious and evil in order to make sense... You're probably malicious and evil, Bezos.
Look, this probably didn't come directly from Shorty J, he's too busy browsing manletdating.com and trying to copy Papa Elon's notes for the Space 101 final exam.
Riddle me this: If a show can go from being seen by hundreds of millions, to being seen by one million... And you blame racism... And racism is evil... Does that imply that over 99% of the population is evil according to your worldview?
To me, if your logic requires 99% of the population to be actively malicious and evil in order to make sense... You're probably malicious and evil, Bezos.
Look, this probably didn't come directly from Shorty J, he's too busy browsing manletdating.com and trying to copy Papa Elon's notes for the Space 101 final exam.