You are some cringy shit. You have a very obvious monomaniacal goal, and it's tedious as shit. You're completely uninformed, and you pretend to play insider-baseball with the governance of places where you have no knowledge, and no interest.
WEF scumbags destroying the country
Yeah I'm doing this by being a strong parochial citizen, and supporting local good guys, not by power-brokering with far-away places whose political players I do not know.
and not on your fellow citizens on the right.
This from the guy who's been reduced to a one-trick pony, that trick being popping up like a macaw every time the opportunity to fling shit at Donald Trump arises? You are not my "fellow citizen," you are part of the problem. You'd throw your support behind people you haven't vetted, simply because they are capable of giving the appearance of supporting your "team." Then lo and behold, after they get the seat, they stick a knife in you, and you didn't see it coming because you can't be bothered to inform yourself beyond looking at jersey colors.
You need to eat fire ants. What I am telling you, is that you are transparent, and it is tiresome. Nobody gives a shit that you have a hate-boner for Donald Trump, and that this is how you want to spend your online life--celebrating what you perceive to be his losses, while pretending to be some sort of master strategist. You're an ignorant turd with his head on backwards, and you are an antagonist to the possibility of getting decent people in the positions they should be in to actually help their constituents.
You are some cringy shit. You have a very obvious monomaniacal goal, and it's tedious as shit. You're completely uninformed, and you pretend to play insider-baseball with the governance of places where you have no knowledge, and no interest.
Yeah I'm doing this by being a strong parochial citizen, and supporting local good guys, not by power-brokering with far-away places whose political players I do not know.
This from the guy who's been reduced to a one-trick pony, that trick being popping up like a macaw every time the opportunity to fling shit at Donald Trump arises? You are not my "fellow citizen," you are part of the problem. You'd throw your support behind people you haven't vetted, simply because they are capable of giving the appearance of supporting your "team." Then lo and behold, after they get the seat, they stick a knife in you, and you didn't see it coming because you can't be bothered to inform yourself beyond looking at jersey colors.
Just stop, child.
Orange man bad, murowski good
I see that you enjoy ranting in depth about random people because they happen to express opinions that trigger you.
You don't know anything about what I really want or anything about me and yet you have the audacity to make so many wrong assumptions about me.
You need to relax.
You need to eat fire ants. What I am telling you, is that you are transparent, and it is tiresome. Nobody gives a shit that you have a hate-boner for Donald Trump, and that this is how you want to spend your online life--celebrating what you perceive to be his losses, while pretending to be some sort of master strategist. You're an ignorant turd with his head on backwards, and you are an antagonist to the possibility of getting decent people in the positions they should be in to actually help their constituents.
This is some psycho shit.
You wrongfully assume that I somehow root for all of the Trump endorsed candidates to lose.
I hope good candidates like Blake Masters, Kari Lake, Doug Mastriano and JD Vance all win in November.
I said Palin is a shitty candidate and you automatically assume that I am against all Trump backed candidates?
Get some psychological help.
(various internet noises)