Honestly it's always flirted with this kind of naked cliqueishness, since the days of aristocratic academies. But at some point we crossed to the wrong side of the threshold of enough men with the integrity to hold to their principles over following consensus, even if it meant taking a personal career hit.
Commercialization, big money, funding, university administration. Its all rooted at an obsession to money & influence rather than passion in your field.
Its why I can't stand "influencers" and the moment some interesting internet talking persona become famous, they turn bot. Hardly any worth listening to after they start hitting 10k-100k-1M follower milestones.
Even Rogan for that matter is only able to maintain his walking the line kinda stance because he is insulated by all his wealth. Like Musk. The rest of us idiots are in the trenches getting dowsed in feces and drug paraphernalia, that we are forced to call neu-meatloaf, with an order of insect on the side.
Honestly it's always flirted with this kind of naked cliqueishness, since the days of aristocratic academies. But at some point we crossed to the wrong side of the threshold of enough men with the integrity to hold to their principles over following consensus, even if it meant taking a personal career hit.
Commercialization, big money, funding, university administration. Its all rooted at an obsession to money & influence rather than passion in your field.
Its why I can't stand "influencers" and the moment some interesting internet talking persona become famous, they turn bot. Hardly any worth listening to after they start hitting 10k-100k-1M follower milestones.
Even Rogan for that matter is only able to maintain his walking the line kinda stance because he is insulated by all his wealth. Like Musk. The rest of us idiots are in the trenches getting dowsed in feces and drug paraphernalia, that we are forced to call neu-meatloaf, with an order of insect on the side.