posted ago by Assassin47 ago by Assassin47 +27 / -2

Mormons never bothered me, but one thing I had noticed was they are very insular and always prefer Mormon politicians over non-Mormons. Hence why we can't get rid of people like Romney. At least that was my image - but the other day I was listening to a gaming stream from Razorfist where he read a superchat on the topic of insufferable Mormon politicians, and he said that in his experience Mormons are instinctively RINOs. (let's pretend that means "someone not a true right-winger") He pointed to an example of a local Arizona politician Russell Pierce who WAS a Mormon, but his own church helped kick him out of office because he wanted immigration and election reform with the Protect Arizona Now initiative and SB1070. Apparently illegal immigrants are a source of new Mormon blood?

Here is the exact timestamp of the comment. (2:49:51)

What do you guys think? Was that a one-off or is there something about modern Mormonism that makes their "conservatives" non-conservative establishment cucks?

(Obviously I mean as a group i.e. The LDS Church. Individuals can be based.)