It seems Ben Wallace, a psycho neocon warmonger who fell for a Vovan and Lexus prank call, has bowed out of the leadership race.
So far the declared candidates are:
Liz Truss: the talentless foreign minister Liz Truss.
Rishi Sunak - a Goldman Sachs banker, globalist married to a billionaire's daughter.
Tom Tugendhat - Remainer, globalist, Bilderberg attendee.
Kemi Bedenoch - Former 'Equality' minister.
Tell that to James Damore and the Missouri couple who tried to defend their home from BLM terrorists.
I think the French Revolution did in all of Europe.
You mean the guy who successfully sued and settled with the largest corporation in the world and the couple that was pardoned despite the actions of a soros da?
I can't find any evidence for that.
So a Soros DA can screw you over. So much for your right to self-defense.
You can’t find that Damore sued and settled with google?
And a governor can step in and stop the infringement, it’s called checks and balances. Self responsible people pick the community they live in. My community didn’t have blm riots despite being a mixed community. The city I live adjacent too had minor riots from Detroiters and more civilians showed up the next day to clean up than the useless police and government.
Yes, many sources claim he 'dropped' it. Certainly not an obvious victory, nor one that can be demonstrated.
Wait, so you're actually defending that these people were dragged through the mud and had to go through hell for over a year, because - by pure coincidence - they lived in a state where the Governor was willing to pardon them?
That is stupid. What if it had been a BLM terrorist supporting guv?
A single DA is a jackass, therefore nobody in the US has the right to self defense.
Such a Eurofag take.
Nowhere did I say that 'no one' has that privilege. I merely pointed out that since a DA can arbitrarily take it away, you certainly cannot say that it is a "right" for Americans.
If it were a right, it could not be taken away.