Is it just me or does it feel like a shitload of stuff happened in the past 4 months?
I am convinced the Biden administration is practicing accelerationism at this point. Feels like a fucking slog that we have to deal with 4 months of this shit until we can at least cockblock them.
Yes, yes, I know... stealing the election, "fortificaiton", etc. There's been several strong wins the past month for the right-populists, but I understand your black pill about this shit.
For me I just want the bleeding to stop and give us some fucking breathing room, but the Biden administration is trying so damn hard to shove as much retarded shit through.
It always makes me wonder who his handlers are. Who is feeding him all this far left bullshit to pass that 6 years ago wasnt even his fucking platform?
I guess that's a whitepill...
Yeah, well, I don't deal in black pills because I think that most of them are Leftist subversion.
Besides, it really is the tendency of these kinds of power-bubbles to pop.
The classic example is the Assyrian Empire, which collapsed almost in it's entirely after it's peak. I'm going from memory here, but: the Assyrian Empire originated from the city of Assur. The God of this city was also Assur. Cities and Gods were intrinsically linked together. This makes sense when you think about the idea of a city having a priestly class to protect it's own unique culture, heritage, families, and values. Powerful cities literally claimed to have more powerful gods. The power of the city was proof of the power of their god, effectively identifying which cities cultures and philosophies had more power / were more legitimate.
This also meant that the cities were, effectively, run by cults. The Assyrian Empire as we call it today, was really: The Cult of Assur.
To be... reductionist about the history of the Assyrian Empire, the Cult of Ashur conquered everyone around them, and then all the nearby city states until it literally reached the the effective edge of the accessible civilized world. Then, all at once, the entire empire collapsed. Not overnight, but in historic time frames, it collapsed basically overnight, within the span of a single King's regin. At thier very peak, they suffered massive internal revolts and the Assyrian Empire fell into absolute chaos, as a resurgent Babalonyian Empire re-emerged.
When the Greek writer (at the time, soldier) Xenophon was fleeing a pursuing Persian army, his force repeatedly came upon abandoned city after abandoned city, including Assur. He asked local villagers who lived in the suburbs of the city, what it was, and who lived there. They said they had no idea. Ancient kings from long ago, who spoke in a language no one could read. Literally cities of tens of thousands of people, utterly abandoned as ruins. What Xenophon didn't realize is that these villagers were the descendants of these city dwellers. It was the same people, but their great grand children. When Xenophon stumbled upon these cities, it had been only 200 years since the fall of Assur.
In only two hundred years, the entire Cult of Assur, which ruled the entire known world, had vanished from the history of the children who lived in it. The people who stood next to the buildings their ancestors had made didn't even recognize the language they spoke.
This is the normal result of a power-bubble, just like an economic bubble. The collapse of these bubbles is garunteed, and the bigger they get, the worse they fall. Any civilization living in parallel to them will find fertile ground to prosper: as the Babylonians did.
We are the dissidents living outside the Cult of Progress. That is the God of our cities. As their inevitably collapses, their God will die, and we will build a civilization atop their catacombs.
Incidentally, we are starting to see that very thing happen right now. Cities are emptying out right now, and seeing millions move to different cities that are more sane, or even returning to smaller cities in smaller states. And while there was initial fear that these people would be Leftist infiltrators, new data shows that the overwhelming majority of them are dissidents fleeing the Cult of Progress. When the Leftist flee, they are doing it to the cities that are more radically devoted to the Cult, like Seattle and Portland.
And they are collapsing while the likes of Florida and Texas are thriving. And out here in the Midwest, there is an industrial rebound taking place as companies look to onshore in the face of the collapsing global order. And its surely no coincidence that they are going back to the places that welcome their business and have workers demanding a hard day, and not to the decadent cities of the Cult of Progress.
So I say look to these cities as a warning. And when we win, send the colonist back in to reconquer the land in the name of liberty and Americanism.