This happened Saturday. 3 days ago. This is clearly an act of terrorism. The tranny was heading for the 3rd infantry division marching band, other parade members, and gunned it at the local police/sheriff. Watch and see if it shows up in any major news feeds. I only caught it as a side-panel from yahoo!news. Surprisingly, they were almost based in calling the tranny by his real name and He/Him. Other news outlets reported on this, but they've shadow-banned it from appearing unless you specifically look for it. - No mentions of motivation, no mention of tranny status, but video showed the mugshot. - More information on the attack. - MSN with mugshot and the pronoun police.
well we are opposing people that have no problem killing helpless babies. don't think for an instant they won't take a run at you roo.
they know they kill babies. they rationalize it, but they know it's murder. that's why they rationalize it and are so very careful with their language. they know what they do.
Indeed. Terrorism against anything traditional will continue to be incentivized.
So, if it's for abortion, a woman has to have put xer up to it. Trannies can't get pregnant and can't abort.