A blue checkmark known only by their first name? Is this some pop star / actress / titty streamer I'm too out of touch to be familiar with? No. Apparently it's some big shot cybersecurity expert from the EFF. And here I was thinking the EFF was anti-authoritarian. I'm disgusted at myself for ever supporting them.
Who is doing that unprecedented digital surveillance? Is it evil alt-righters or fundies running the tech companies or government or "deep state?"
Libertarians wouldn't believe in American "Civil" Liberties anyway. That's a gayop invented by the left, because you will always need more government to grant more "civil" rights as they are magically discovered. Someone in the UK recently said access to broadband is a right. So what the hell did people do before broadband existed?
A blue checkmark known only by their first name? Is this some pop star / actress / titty streamer I'm too out of touch to be familiar with? No. Apparently it's some big shot cybersecurity expert from the EFF. And here I was thinking the EFF was anti-authoritarian. I'm disgusted at myself for ever supporting them.
Who is doing that unprecedented digital surveillance? Is it evil alt-righters or fundies running the tech companies or government or "deep state?"
Almost all of the supposed "Libertarian" NGOs were either subversives from the start (like the ACLU) or became subverted to further Authoritarianism.
Libertarians wouldn't believe in American "Civil" Liberties anyway. That's a gayop invented by the left, because you will always need more government to grant more "civil" rights as they are magically discovered. Someone in the UK recently said access to broadband is a right. So what the hell did people do before broadband existed?
To answer your rhetorical question: "Think for themselves".