Looking at David's graph, I think I can make this a lot simpler. Leftys are trusting, starry-eyed believers in agency and individual ethics when they don't have power, then suspicious authoritarians when they do have power. There, all in a day's work.
You ever notice how quickly Hope and Change went to Kill Republicans?
There is actually a third leftist state, when they die as a result of enacting their own retarded policies.
Looking at David's graph, I think I can make this a lot simpler. Leftys are trusting, starry-eyed believers in agency and individual ethics when they don't have power, then suspicious authoritarians when they do have power. There, all in a day's work.
You ever notice how quickly Hope and Change went to Kill Republicans?
There is actually a third leftist state, when they die as a result of enacting their own retarded policies.