It’s easy to throw out vague terms like systemic racism
They don't care about blacks, they care about power (and grift) for themselves.
You can really easily nuke EVERY "disparate impact" argument pointing statisfical differences between between blacks and whites by comparing men vs women, or whites and asians or if you are willing to touch that 3rd rail whites and jews.
If they say "la la la skin color" you can just compare indians (dot) and whites.
It doesn't matter. The NPC dialogue tree has a "he doesnt agree so he is racist therefore stop processing anything he says" escape hatch that is triggered long before logic can create any cognitive dissonance.
Agreed. Sadly I keep getting sucked into debates because it drives me nuts when people use the vague and nebulous terms. But I need to just ignore them and move on
They don't care about blacks, they care about power (and grift) for themselves.
You can really easily nuke EVERY "disparate impact" argument pointing statisfical differences between between blacks and whites by comparing men vs women, or whites and asians or if you are willing to touch that 3rd rail whites and jews.
If they say "la la la skin color" you can just compare indians (dot) and whites.
It doesn't matter. The NPC dialogue tree has a "he doesnt agree so he is racist therefore stop processing anything he says" escape hatch that is triggered long before logic can create any cognitive dissonance.
Agreed. Sadly I keep getting sucked into debates because it drives me nuts when people use the vague and nebulous terms. But I need to just ignore them and move on
It will take more than ignoring the invaders.
If you want to protect your children and job from them, that is.