posted ago by WeedleTLiar ago by WeedleTLiar +46 / -0

Hey all, sorry for once again hijacking your forum in the name of Canadian politics but, you know, u/transhamwitch...

Anyway, this year I've decided to work for Elections Ontario to keep an eye on their bullshit and it's already paid off.

They're scrapping hand counts.

Everything will be done on a laptop, including registering voters with the polling station. The woman I spoke with also mentioned that their computer system (not the new count system, their entire e-mail/file storage infrastructure) was down for the first full week of the election, so confidence in their tech expertise is not high.

This is on top of the fact that Covid rules will be announced the day of the election and be on a station-by-station basis, preventing any preparation or challenge to the rules; they'll just kick you out the day of and by the time you figure out they lied it will be too late.

It's an interesting illustration of the importance they still place on voting, albeit most likely to pacify people into thinking that whoever wins is supported by the majority.

I'm callling it right now for the Liberals; they're the ones who've infiltrated these bureaucracies and would absolutely pull some shit like this.