As a whole, Women are weaker & dumber than men, they can't overpower men or outsmart men, they need guys in positions of power that are already simps to give them "equel rights". Women can only be masters over men when powerful simps let them rule over men.
The feminist ideology is first bred in matriarchal cultures. There is a certain religion & ethnic culture that is matriarchal. Many people in this group disportionally hold positions of power compared to their size of the general population. Many people in this group are among the most wealthy people on Earth and come from the most wealthy familes on Earth. Many people in this group are part of the ruling class.
I'm not telling you to hate them all, just don't trust them in positions of power and realize that they are the reason society lets women rule over men. Powerful men in this group are the only men that can really escape the wrath of the women they sicced onto other men but even these powerful men aren't immune, just look at the powerful men in this group that had their wives divorce them.
That's funny, when women got the vote, it wasn't THEM women pandered to.
THEY were the ones doing the pandering. THEY didn't need convicining, THEY needed to convince the general public. Nearly everyone was a racial indentarian at this time and that is how THEY sold women voting to the public.
ok? he's still the Senior Editor in Chief, who has the gull to go and chart when Whites would become a minority.
And the two previous CEO was a jew and a guy who coincidently has a dad who is named after his dad's jewish friend.
The feminist ideology thrives in male division, as it is based off intrinsic bias that can't be learnt.
Edit : ConPro still can't handle criticism. Such a meme ideology.
As a whole, Women are weaker & dumber than men, they can't overpower men or outsmart men, they need guys in positions of power that are already simps to give them "equel rights". Women can only be masters over men when powerful simps let them rule over men.
The feminist ideology is first bred in matriarchal cultures. There is a certain religion & ethnic culture that is matriarchal. Many people in this group disportionally hold positions of power compared to their size of the general population. Many people in this group are among the most wealthy people on Earth and come from the most wealthy familes on Earth. Many people in this group are part of the ruling class.
I'm not telling you to hate them all, just don't trust them in positions of power and realize that they are the reason society lets women rule over men. Powerful men in this group are the only men that can really escape the wrath of the women they sicced onto other men but even these powerful men aren't immune, just look at the powerful men in this group that had their wives divorce them.
That's funny, when women got the vote, it wasn't the Jews they pandered to. It was race baiting cuckolds like ConPro.
100 years later, we still haven't fucking learned. We're going to repeat the same mistakes again.
THEY were the ones doing the pandering. THEY didn't need convicining, THEY needed to convince the general public. Nearly everyone was a racial indentarian at this time and that is how THEY sold women voting to the public.
You are posting in kotaku in action 2, bro. Maybe calm down a bit?