Now far be it from me to advocate bestiality as a punishment, but I must confess to a belief that the Romans were still ahead of modern society when they had treacherous, murderous bitches raped to death by giraffes instead of letting them tutor the next generation into similarly subversive pieces of shit.
I love how they trained a giraffe to rape people. How do you even do that? What is even the process of events needed to train a giraffe to not only fuck a human but also fuck them to death? This isn't a "family dog and peanut butter" situation. So many questions and not sure if I want the answers.
Sure seems that way.
Now far be it from me to advocate bestiality as a punishment, but I must confess to a belief that the Romans were still ahead of modern society when they had treacherous, murderous bitches raped to death by giraffes instead of letting them tutor the next generation into similarly subversive pieces of shit.
I love how they trained a giraffe to rape people. How do you even do that? What is even the process of events needed to train a giraffe to not only fuck a human but also fuck them to death? This isn't a "family dog and peanut butter" situation. So many questions and not sure if I want the answers.
Pretty sure they're both the same thing.