posted ago by The_Shadow_of_Intent ago by The_Shadow_of_Intent +20 / -0

While trying to find independent reporting on the Ukraine war, I came across a Telegram channel called Mango Press that had just been banned from Twitter. It didn't take long to see that it was an actual commie outlet hyping up China and North Korea, as well as Russia and Palestine for some reason. I think tankie is the right word, but who knows.

Their reaction to the viral videos from the Shanghai lockdown has been amusing. According to them all the government measures are totally necessary given that China has only incurred 4k deaths from covid, whereas America was ravaged by covid and is still handling Omicron poorly. Also this is the fault of Shanghai's westernized leaders who prized capitalist activity over judicious safety measures. Probably the funniest thing I read was that the elderly are diligently being cared for.

Recently they posted a video of Shanghai residents celebrating the partial lift of the lockdown. Since this apparently means China Good, it was time to get out the heart emojis.

The entire channel is fascinating, but I guess the major takeaway for me is that people who style themselves as real commies are just as stupid as the average bugman. The propaganda about China itself is par for the course, but there were American residents claiming that covid was a real threat in the US and that we sacrificed our elders for the sake of freedom. Uh yeah, sure.