I'd like to hang any GP who proscribes SSRIs to anyone under the age of 25. You really need a psychiatrist's expertise to make sure doing that doesn't end very badly. There should also be more of a focus on healthy living before pills are tried. Jimmy hasn't left the house in 3 weeks and walking from the couch to the kitchen is the most exercise he gets in a day. But instead being told to exercise and eat well he gets told he has clinical depression or (if troomers are involved) that he's actually woman inside.
They'd just put them on SSRIs to make sure they'd finish themselves (or others) off.
The fact checks for "Basically all school shooters were on SSRIs" is, "yeah, but lots of people are on SSRIs."
I'd like to hang any GP who proscribes SSRIs to anyone under the age of 25. You really need a psychiatrist's expertise to make sure doing that doesn't end very badly. There should also be more of a focus on healthy living before pills are tried. Jimmy hasn't left the house in 3 weeks and walking from the couch to the kitchen is the most exercise he gets in a day. But instead being told to exercise and eat well he gets told he has clinical depression or (if troomers are involved) that he's actually woman inside.