posted ago by TechParadox ago by TechParadox +25 / -0

I saw the new episode drop in my podcatcher, but strangely enough the post over at half-KIA on Reddit has been removed. Not sure why, but I cobbled together what would be the usual episode announcement of the latest Splash Damage:

Alan Wen of VG247 says Ghostwire: Tokyo is more authentic than Ghost of Tsushima or Sifu because Ghostwire was created by Japanese developers. We discuss this racist implications of this thought process along with Sam Maggs continuing to embarrass herself and the video game industry at large by taking credit for creations she had little to do with; Anita Sarkeesian trying to remain relevant a decade later; and, by their own admission, Disney’s queer agenda. Oh, and E3 is dead, in case you didn’t hear.
Find the latest episode here or on your favorite podcasting app, and thanks for your support!

Standard Disclaimer: I'm not Scrivonaut and I'm not associated with the show, I just repost it over here as a signal boost