It's not that he's on the enemy's side, it's that he doesn't fully grasp the situation. He's currently in a "jews and lack of Christianity are the only problem" phase which is really an incomplete view of things. Why are jews a problem? What are they doing exactly? What is it about Christianity that actually has positive impacts on society (without using some sort of mystical nonsense as an explanation)? Why are people less Christian now than before (without saying jews)?
He hasn't addressed these questions in his mind yet.
Yep - nailed it. Torba is still looking at symptoms and not looking at causes.
To be fair, you can seem pretty smart pointing out symptoms if you have a good but incomplete heuristic.
Society over the past 100 years or so has been obsessed with playing God. First it was Eugenics which died after WW2, but the mental side of it never stopped. Think about MK Ultra.
The goal has always been controlling people. On a micro scale this works but it breaks down on a macro scale. At that scale, people will often just take the path of least resistance. Sitting down, watching sports and pigging out and consuming latest thing IS the path of least resistance right now.
But Torba is correct that is a path right to hell.
What is it about Christianity that actually has positive impacts on society (without using some sort of mystical nonsense as an explanation)? Why are people less Christian now than before (without saying jews)?
These answers should be self-evident by now.
Tradition provides solutions for problems we have forgotten. Those solutions have been forged through great pain and the collective knowledge of hundreds of generations, which makes it impossible for any individual to truly comprehend the entirety of traditional systems. Christianity is intrinsic to the spirit of the west and fundamentally inescapable for its people, just look at progressivism which is a perverse atheistic version of Christianity.
People have lost their faith due to progressive Deleuzian territorialization. Society is no less religious, but their values have been completely inverted as demonstrated best by the overt celebration of the deadliest sin: pride. In order for the progressive heresy to assert itself, it had to simultaneously dismantle the power of the traditional church institutions, which is easily seen in how progressivism is the only religion legally allowed to be taught in school.
It's not that he's on the enemy's side, it's that he doesn't fully grasp the situation. He's currently in a "jews and lack of Christianity are the only problem" phase which is really an incomplete view of things. Why are jews a problem? What are they doing exactly? What is it about Christianity that actually has positive impacts on society (without using some sort of mystical nonsense as an explanation)? Why are people less Christian now than before (without saying jews)?
He hasn't addressed these questions in his mind yet.
Yep - nailed it. Torba is still looking at symptoms and not looking at causes.
To be fair, you can seem pretty smart pointing out symptoms if you have a good but incomplete heuristic.
Society over the past 100 years or so has been obsessed with playing God. First it was Eugenics which died after WW2, but the mental side of it never stopped. Think about MK Ultra.
The goal has always been controlling people. On a micro scale this works but it breaks down on a macro scale. At that scale, people will often just take the path of least resistance. Sitting down, watching sports and pigging out and consuming latest thing IS the path of least resistance right now.
But Torba is correct that is a path right to hell.
The solution to all our problems right now would be to take action against the globalist conspirators and the regressive left.
These answers should be self-evident by now.
Tradition provides solutions for problems we have forgotten. Those solutions have been forged through great pain and the collective knowledge of hundreds of generations, which makes it impossible for any individual to truly comprehend the entirety of traditional systems. Christianity is intrinsic to the spirit of the west and fundamentally inescapable for its people, just look at progressivism which is a perverse atheistic version of Christianity.
People have lost their faith due to progressive Deleuzian territorialization. Society is no less religious, but their values have been completely inverted as demonstrated best by the overt celebration of the deadliest sin: pride. In order for the progressive heresy to assert itself, it had to simultaneously dismantle the power of the traditional church institutions, which is easily seen in how progressivism is the only religion legally allowed to be taught in school.