As my dad says “who is clamoring for this”. This is part of the reason I rarely watch anything made after 2014. As a Christian I’ll wait for Disney to cater to my tastes……
I know a guy who works for Disney. He says the employee ranks are crawling with troons. He said they screech at the bosses for everything, and the bosses obey their commands. Sounds terrifying.
Moms. This is all to attract the attention of middle class moms that spend all their time in gay places online, or corporate places but that’s become the same thing.
Biblically speaking, this is because women were created as a helper/companion for men.
Evolutionarily speaking, this is because men need to the ability to seduce and keep women in order to procreate.
In either case, this means it makes sense for women to be more susceptible to suggestion and less inclined to challenge or question everything they hear. I believe Jordan Peterson identifies this as the "agreeableness" trait. Unfortunately, agreeableness doesn't make for truth-seeking or leadership, both of which require the willingness be disagreeable and go against the flow if required.
PS. Sorry in advance for any triggered women. This doesn't diminish your value as a person in any way. Men and women have equal value in the eyes of God but different roles and strengths. We are all just playing the roles we are given.
As my dad says “who is clamoring for this”. This is part of the reason I rarely watch anything made after 2014. As a Christian I’ll wait for Disney to cater to my tastes……
I know a guy who works for Disney. He says the employee ranks are crawling with troons. He said they screech at the bosses for everything, and the bosses obey their commands. Sounds terrifying.
It’s going to have to take someone to tell these people no. Also tell them that not everything needs lgbt content.
i can confirm. In media compagnies, all the younger employees and especially women and HR staff are c completely woke, mental illness level.
Moms. This is all to attract the attention of middle class moms that spend all their time in gay places online, or corporate places but that’s become the same thing.
The moms do the buying.
Because it’s trendy to be a “gay ally” I’m assuming?
yes, but also because women have a big problem with being socially against the accepted norm.
Women are easily deceived.
Biblically speaking, this is because women were created as a helper/companion for men.
Evolutionarily speaking, this is because men need to the ability to seduce and keep women in order to procreate.
In either case, this means it makes sense for women to be more susceptible to suggestion and less inclined to challenge or question everything they hear. I believe Jordan Peterson identifies this as the "agreeableness" trait. Unfortunately, agreeableness doesn't make for truth-seeking or leadership, both of which require the willingness be disagreeable and go against the flow if required.
PS. Sorry in advance for any triggered women. This doesn't diminish your value as a person in any way. Men and women have equal value in the eyes of God but different roles and strengths. We are all just playing the roles we are given.