I think it's a good thing that the last SW I had watched was Episode III; this was my first teaser of the Disney era, and what can I say: I will not watch this one, just as I did not watched the others.
(For me, the Star Wars franchise is Star Wars from 1977, and I don't care about the other films or television series.)
I loved Star Wars as a kid, movies, books, posters, the lot. I'm also old enough that I lived in the era where you were supposed to grow out of the notion that a fictional universe is an integral part of your identity, unlike the Harry Potterists of today. I made it to The Last Jedi before I declared the franchise dead, but it wasn't much of a blow to me by then. I can still manage the prequels, but as far as I'm concerned Star Wars is nothing more than some old movies to watch.
Some of the older games are also fun, but I was pretty disenchanted with it overall, much like you. TLJ is the biggest lolcow of a movie.
shut up disneyfag
Yeah I can definitely see the logic in a kid enjoying a non-Disney franchise a good 15 years prior to a Disney acquisition and then not enjoying it after the acquisition definitely makes them a "Disneyfag." That's some real high level thinking there.
no, comparing potter to star wars shows how little SW you know. retard