Neither of those are great example to follow atm. Keep in mind Boris is currently on fire and doing everything he can to not resign including jumping on the Jimmy Carr story from last week to appear on the same side as the public as well as placate them by throwing CoViD rules out the window. If keeping the rules would save his skin he'd just as readily do that. Meanwhile Biden is probably eating paint.
Haha. Yeah, I know, but trust me, we're much worse than the UK, or red state US, at the moment... And I honestly don't see "us" coming out of this without violence...
They had snipers watching the trucker freedom protest, in Canberra. Snipers...
And there's articles about the rising threat of "extremism" and "domestic terrorism" amongst "teenage antivaxxers"...
The rhetoric here is reaching the point where violence is pretty inevitable... I'm just not sure where that will go.
Canberra going full Tiananmen is not something I perhaps anticipated, in my lifetime, and I've seen some serious shit, man...
But I seriously fear the government is not far off killing people like me, to make a point. What a bizarre thing to have to think about, honestly... :-/
Neither of those are great example to follow atm. Keep in mind Boris is currently on fire and doing everything he can to not resign including jumping on the Jimmy Carr story from last week to appear on the same side as the public as well as placate them by throwing CoViD rules out the window. If keeping the rules would save his skin he'd just as readily do that. Meanwhile Biden is probably eating paint.
Haha. Yeah, I know, but trust me, we're much worse than the UK, or red state US, at the moment... And I honestly don't see "us" coming out of this without violence...
They had snipers watching the trucker freedom protest, in Canberra. Snipers...
And there's articles about the rising threat of "extremism" and "domestic terrorism" amongst "teenage antivaxxers"...
The rhetoric here is reaching the point where violence is pretty inevitable... I'm just not sure where that will go.
Canberra going full Tiananmen is not something I perhaps anticipated, in my lifetime, and I've seen some serious shit, man...
But I seriously fear the government is not far off killing people like me, to make a point. What a bizarre thing to have to think about, honestly... :-/
Well we've seen how dangerous vehicles can be lately, oh wait that was (D)ifferent. Carry on!