The dangers of propaganda to propogandists - every time you say it, you believe a little more |bad catitude
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marxism is AIDS to enlightenment liberalism, it attacks the very mechanisms that liberalism uses to self-correct and against it there is no defense
under a liberal framework there is no solution that has worked historically, only delayed a collapse
One of the core mechanisms of self-correction is freedom of speech. Marx claimed to be against state censorship, but he was probably using it as a tactic like the ACLU. Marxists need freedom of speech only as long as it allows their ideas to spread.
I say it marxism just because that is a useful shortcut but we aren't dealing with "class struggle" like marx envisioned. He was basically debunked because the revolutions were never successful in the industrial west which is what he ranted against the most.
Marx's real gripe was always "I'm not in charge". Everything else is lampshading and rationalization.
We are dealing with marxism without marx. They kept his basic theological premise, that history is inevitably advancing toward utopia and any opposition is "evil" because it prolongs the suffering until the utopia is achieved. Of course that utopia has the intellectual academics in charge as absolutely powerful technocrats.
You can append an implied "unless it benefits us and/or harms our ideological opponents" to everything they say. They can't be reasoned with because they see "reason" as a tool for reinforcing the current hierarchy which is in the way of their utopian vision.
when you get a narcissist that cannot tell themselves apart from an idea, pretty soon, it all boils down to this:
Ever live with a pathological narcissist?
You can witness an event - a conversation, say, between you two and a couple of other people. Once it's over, not five minutes later, he will feed you a narrative about what just happened, that you know didn't happen at all. (And he might start out subtly with shit like this, first saying stuff that, well, maybe I didn't spot it; he got gradually more blatant until you couldn't help but spot the paranoid lie/hardassed gaslighting. Or maybe I just smartened the fuck up.) It's really bizarre, and not something you want to be around. And it's a lot like described above, once you do notice them doing shit like this.
And unfortunately, since then, I've seen this behaviour everywhere.