Recently I saw the criticism of "you guys call anything with a female or minority woke", and I foolishly engaged this person in an argument. This person was in their late teens (yes I know it was stupid to bother but I thought I could make him see he was wrong). He just stopped responding to me when I pointed out that there are plenty of female/minority characters that were liked across the board but now we live in a time where we are told that we have to like garbage movies or shows or we are bad poeple.
Honestly to me Woke means endless race/gender swaps, overhyping something because it was written or directed by a female/minority, and the ridiculous overrepresentation of lgbt.
My question is, is it even worth trying to fight against all this or just do like I do and mainly watch or read stuff from 2014 and prior? I follow certain youtubers and if they recommend a new show I'll check it out, but I do wonder what purpose it serves to go after DC, Disney, Star Trek, etc since they have shown that they hate us. One of my favorite nerd rants last year was when Eric July was pissed about the lady who was in charge of the Scarlet Witch show because she said she never read comic books and didn't know who Mephisto was. Stuff like this just pisses me off because if we suggest that maybe she do some research into the lore behind her show we are sexists.
So is it worth it to keep fighting?
Don't you have a wood statue to burn?
That would represent an EF'FIGY, noun [Latin effigies, from effingo, to fashion; ex and fingo, to form or devise.] - "the image or likeness of a person"; which implies the suggested ignorance of Person aka per sonos aka by sound...hence already formed out of sound.
In short...everything suggested (information) represents idolatry of everything perceived (inspiration).
Get back on your meds. Everything was much nicer without your polluting the threads.
MED'ICINE, noun [Latin medicina, from medeor, to cure.] + CURE, noun [Latin , to cure to take care, to prepare.] does choice balancing within an ongoing momentum prepare itself for wanted outcomes; when in need of constant adaptation?
Question for everyone leading to response by ONE within ALL causing another one to feel POLLU'TED, participle passive - "defiled; rendered unclean; tainted with guilt; impaired; profaned".
Babe; are you trying to pull a #metoo on me? How about taking a bath instead?
Consider the following..."You know it seems the more we talk about it"..."It only makes it worse to live without it"..."But lets talk about it"..."Wouldn't it be nice?"
Get a new hobby.