Feminists have always been butthurt harpies jealous of other women who take out their insecurities on men. Ever since the first wave these stooges of Marxism have sought to make the rest of humanity as miserable as they are, and I would very much say they succeeded. However, theyve also successfully made themselves even more miserable, much to the amusement of their masters, I would assume.
Are you actually commenting on the video? Because she's constantly saying "yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, absolutely", and talks about the "men accepting their oppression but should be fighting back" and such herself.
I swear the comments here makes me think y'all The Imp's alts triggered by a woman. Or you just didn't watch it at all.
Feminists have always been butthurt harpies jealous of other women who take out their insecurities on men. Ever since the first wave these stooges of Marxism have sought to make the rest of humanity as miserable as they are, and I would very much say they succeeded. However, theyve also successfully made themselves even more miserable, much to the amusement of their masters, I would assume.
Are you actually commenting on the video? Because she's constantly saying "yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, absolutely", and talks about the "men accepting their oppression but should be fighting back" and such herself.
I swear the comments here makes me think y'all The Imp's alts triggered by a woman. Or you just didn't watch it at all.