Every piece of information you put out about yourself, you are explicitly asking to be treated differently. Most of the time it's wanting positive treatments, but regardless, you want to be unequal.
For example, how do you discriminate against a person you know nothing about? The closest you'll get is idiots obsessed with IdPol trying to put a label on you.
The tried and true method on Reddit involves going through someone's account posting history, sometimes back several years, and then using that to create an identity for someone.
"You once posted in /funny but nothing you say is funny therefore you're a liar and everything you say must therefore be a lie!"
GETTR glows so bright you can see it from Omicron Persei 8.
All fucking social media glows. It's just a matter of how bright. Seriously, people need to stop fucking doxxing themselves.
The classic "tits or gtfo" explanation.
I've yet to see you call anyone a cunt in a friendly manner or otherwise, so I'm going to press X to doubt.
The tried and true method on Reddit involves going through someone's account posting history, sometimes back several years, and then using that to create an identity for someone.
"You once posted in /funny but nothing you say is funny therefore you're a liar and everything you say must therefore be a lie!"
their new strategy is claiming things were posted, that werent. the astroturf subs and heavy handed r*clones share this feature.
RIP Zyzz (he was the sickest cunt there was)
Personal servers and Element is de wae.