Humanity is a disease. But at least whites tried to be better, at least briefly ... before white leadership decided it was more fun to go back to acting like wild niggers.
we gave women voting rights 100 years ago... acting like emotional children is what they do. They are the majority. Full access to all dicks in the world with no consequences: it's just their natural instincts written into laws.
Humanity is a disease. But at least whites tried to be better, at least briefly ... before white leadership decided it was more fun to go back to acting like wild niggers.
we gave women voting rights 100 years ago... acting like emotional children is what they do. They are the majority. Full access to all dicks in the world with no consequences: it's just their natural instincts written into laws.
Humanity isn't a disease, we're God's creation, made in his image. We're sinful, sure, but not a disease. We just need to learn to be better people.