6 Donald Trump admits on stage that he got a vaccine booster shot (video) (twitter.com) posted 3 years ago by Fuckthedems 3 years ago by Fuckthedems +11 / -7 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
We read it the first time.
He's 70+. What do you expect?
And he should be proud of that. Many more would have died without Operation Warp Speed.
lul if you think the "vaccine" does anything good
you can't trust any of the aggregate data, all of it manipulated for political purposes
More people died because of the actions the government took then no action at all not to mention the pain and suffering the government caused. The correct course of action over covid would have been and was always to do literally nothing.
Maybe, but that's completely separate from Warp Speed.
Well, this alone shows how seriously you should be taken.
Hey, you're the one who thinks the vaccines have accomplished anything. You're way more out of line than me.
Of course he did. A 70-something fat man. Even with his previous infection, the benefits greatly outweigh the potential risks.