Yeah, what happens is that the seller will buy from and then have it shipped directly to the buyer, never even seeing the product. Saves on warehouse costs etc.
It's a good way to make money if you get the search positioning on Amazon and don't care about selling people shit. The way it works with returns is they return to the original seller in China and get their money back as well.
Personally I still stick to my Duracell powerbank I bought back home. It works decently enough and it's been with me everywhere.
Yeah, what happens is that the seller will buy from and then have it shipped directly to the buyer, never even seeing the product. Saves on warehouse costs etc.
It's a good way to make money if you get the search positioning on Amazon and don't care about selling people shit. The way it works with returns is they return to the original seller in China and get their money back as well.
Personally I still stick to my Duracell powerbank I bought back home. It works decently enough and it's been with me everywhere.
some of them do the direct dropshipping like that. others have it shipped to warehouse and then it's eligible for prime and sells better.