Has anyone noticed despite the feminist talking point that "women's voiced are silenced" or whatever the fuck these fake accounts almost always portray women.
Wouldn't that be a reasonable thing to do? In today's climate women are listened to more than men. Also, the men on our own side uphold traditional gender norms more, with men being the protector and provider, who are more likely to defend a woman than a man. Thus, it makes sense why, even if fake, they would use a woman to push their message. A fake account also protects them from being doxxed.
Has anyone noticed despite the feminist talking point that "women's voiced are silenced" or whatever the fuck these fake accounts almost always portray women.
Wouldn't that be a reasonable thing to do? In today's climate women are listened to more than men. Also, the men on our own side uphold traditional gender norms more, with men being the protector and provider, who are more likely to defend a woman than a man. Thus, it makes sense why, even if fake, they would use a woman to push their message. A fake account also protects them from being doxxed.