74 So apparently Gamestop is selling apparel in a very based way.... (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 3 years ago by trump4044 3 years ago by trump4044 +79 / -5 38 comments download share 38 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
That's baste is it? Some whore giving the camera the glad eye?
All it is is boomer degenerate--which is at least still makes sense but it's not "based"
Yeah, it's based.
We could use a solid decade of tits-in-your-face advertising. It's time to roll back the clock on the tranny/androgyny/fatso horseshit that pushed us into clown world. So hell yes, let's get back to the era of E3-with-booth-babes you fucking prudes.
Yeah. Good times good times.
I concur
I’ll take pretty women over non-pretty “women” any day.
if you dont jack it to trany porn the party-required 3 times a day then you will be excommunicated.
Yeah, this response makes no sense. You sound fat.
There are zero groids in the ads. That is a miracle in 2021.
yeah true. that's something.
I don't want to see them, hear them, smell them, touch them, speak to them or live near them.
"Sheeeeiiiitt. Cracks mus luv us. Sheeeeiiiit wee so hawt ne sheeeet. Let's mova outa dis hood to somewhere nicer. Sheeeiii"
White people: Leaves