Background : at 1:20 -
we see Microsoft employees apologize to 20 Indigenous tribes for being in Seattle.
Please correct me if I am wrong - This is why I feel every American should be disgusted:
The purpose of a sincere apology is promise future reparations of some kind
Microsoft themselves has NO intention of paying these reparations (despite being in a perfect position to give back any land they feel guilty about)
The expectation is that YOU will have to repay BIPOC to assuage Microsoft's guilt....
If I wanted to be held responsible for historic crimes of my people I would go and live in North Korea - I hear they love that shit.
Every nation on the face of the planet is living on land that was taken from someone else. And It has been happening since the dawn of civilization.
I say that a lot too, people get so angry :x
But it's a fact! All the Native Tribes in North America killed other tribes in the past and took everything they had. Slavery was common. Torture was normal. Human sacrifices of their own children (a little further south mostly) was normal for centuries.
Some tribe was moaning about how 'Mount Rushmore had been stolen from them!' when in fact their tribe had driven off the previous peoples 150 years before... it would be funny if it wasn't so horrible.
Yes I used this examples also. The Woke religious zealots gets furious over the facts. It seriously fucks with their religious tenets that only white people have done bad things, white people invented slavery and racism. These people are absolute clowns and destroyed the very movements they claim to be part of. Absolute trojan horsing of the civil rights movements by these dumb fucks.