Kind of like how "97% of doctors" agree with whatever COVID BS they come up with next because they fire and pull the license of anyone who steps out of line.
This is based on a survey where 97% or so responded that yes, the greenhouse effect is a plausible hypothesis and it's likely that humans are having some effect on the climate.
That same survey only had about 2% or so agree with any sort of doomsday scenario.
At one time 97% of "scientists" stated that the sun revolved around the earth too.
Kind of like how "97% of doctors" agree with whatever COVID BS they come up with next because they fire and pull the license of anyone who steps out of line.
It originated with an Australian Cartoonist, John Cook, who runs skepticalscience, which is neither skeptical or science.
Here are some analyses of the claim. Do note that WUWT is a not a warmunist website. After all, the warmunist never allow discussion of their beliefs.
This is based on a survey where 97% or so responded that yes, the greenhouse effect is a plausible hypothesis and it's likely that humans are having some effect on the climate.
That same survey only had about 2% or so agree with any sort of doomsday scenario.