I was taught to aspirate in school, but no longer do because "the science changed".
Tbf, I was happy to drop it. It seemed theoretical and pointless and just prolonged the painful part and risked someone pulling away from you and fucking things up, especially in children.
Sounds like she didn’t aspirate it - she just YOLO’d in there and hoped for the best.
Aspirate is when they pull back on the needle after it is inserted in your arm to test :
if they see blood coming into the needle=it is very bad as they hit one of your blood vessels
if they don’t see blood = it means they put the needle into the muscle and avoided the blood vessels = good = go ahead and inject the vaxx
Can confirm.
I was taught to aspirate in school, but no longer do because "the science changed".
Tbf, I was happy to drop it. It seemed theoretical and pointless and just prolonged the painful part and risked someone pulling away from you and fucking things up, especially in children.