Nine times out of ten, when a woman rapes or molests a child, it is never charged, and often not even reported. Think about how many hundreds of female teachers alone have actually been proven to have sexually abused underage students, usually boys, and then multiply that by an exponent equal to how much money teachers unions spend protecting pedophiles.
And that's not even accounting for family members, babysitters and other women in positions of trust. This is the untold story of child abuse that is studiously ignored by media, politics and simps who would prefer not to think of it as abuse when a woman does it.
The same applies to other crimes that women commit. For example, I run a store. Official statistics state that men and women are guilty of shoplifting at roughly equivalent rates. However, nine out of ten shoplifters I catch are female, and it's not because I'm going out of my way to target them. It's just that they get away with it more everywhere else because people are naturally inclined to treat women with less suspicion than they do men.
The only reason you can call them that is because you're as in denial about crime stats as the average BLM supporter.
Just because they choose to harm people by proxy rather than directly, doesn't make them better.
All those rapes and child molestations are carried out at the behest of wahmen?
Nine times out of ten, when a woman rapes or molests a child, it is never charged, and often not even reported. Think about how many hundreds of female teachers alone have actually been proven to have sexually abused underage students, usually boys, and then multiply that by an exponent equal to how much money teachers unions spend protecting pedophiles.
And that's not even accounting for family members, babysitters and other women in positions of trust. This is the untold story of child abuse that is studiously ignored by media, politics and simps who would prefer not to think of it as abuse when a woman does it.
The same applies to other crimes that women commit. For example, I run a store. Official statistics state that men and women are guilty of shoplifting at roughly equivalent rates. However, nine out of ten shoplifters I catch are female, and it's not because I'm going out of my way to target them. It's just that they get away with it more everywhere else because people are naturally inclined to treat women with less suspicion than they do men.