Something about this really raises my hackles.
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I watched the whole thing and expected they'd all circlejerk to it. For the leftists, none of it was controversial, it's exactly what they want. Not just the elites, but their acolytes too. They celebrate this and their thought process is so twisted that they think it is all pro-America and constitutional.
His speech reminded me of a parent getting on to their kid--"We're losing our patience," etc. Since I'm not a kid I just wanted to punch him in the mouth for the tone and presentation alone aside from the garbage content. If I was a kid, well I was known as a brutally stubborn kid from a very young age. My saving grace was I wasn't that much of a troublemaker, because if I had been we might have made the news from a parent killing their kid or vice-versa.
Of course fanatic lunatic hypocrites don't see a problem with this sort of thing.
I'm not particularly fond of the word, but I find myself saying it quite frequently lately; they literally lack the self-awareness to see through their own hypocrisy.
They've been caught in so many lies, spreading of misinformation, flip-flopping whenever it serves them, justifying things they condemned not long ago, and so much more, but because they live in a myopic self-obsessed world in service to their party, they never take a moment for self-reflection to notice how duplicitous they are.
A fun exercise is to take the things they advocate for, or things that they do — such as in the case with Biden here — and ask yourself: "How would they respond if this was a conservative or big baddie Trump?"
Hell, in many cases you don't even need to do that. All you need to do is go back through their history and they'll elucidate it quite succinctly themselves when there were similar situations in the past.
We're no longer dealing with simple shilling partisan hacks. They've officially crossed over into ideological zealotry that borders on nearly cult-like behavior. They now openly advocate and cheer for tyranny and authoritarianism, which is completely bonkers. Their entire belief system centers around forcing their will onto others now. That's the very antithesis of "freedom."
There's undoubtedly people who are ideologically obsessed on the opposite side of the spectrum — I don't think anyone would deny that, since they exist in every conceivable group — but they're not typically in positions of influence on a huge platform.
Furthermore, this isn't exclusive to just a certain subset of people on the left anymore; it's close to applying to the majority of their supporters.
At the very least, their opposition on the right have made it explicitly clear time after time that they're not homogeneous and are willing to disagree even with the people in high positions within the side they support. When Trump mentioned the vaccine is a good example. The people present had no problem booing and disagreeing with advocating for it, while some still cheered and clapped — intellectual diversity.
It's amazing that the side that completely lacks "diversity" is also the side that never shuts the hell up about it.
We are the resistance now 😎
They're all dumpster fires and need to be flooded out of existence.