Per Schopenhauer, retributive harm is not justice.
Justice is only ethical when it is focused on the future, not the past, with the aim of deterrence. There is no cosmic scale that is set out of balance and made right by revenge. Revenge is always morally indefensible.
It might be unwise, but if it inflicts misery on them, it's justice for what they did to everyone else.
I'm fine with handling whatever consequences come with forcing them into the workforce and cutting them off welfare permanently.
Per Schopenhauer, retributive harm is not justice.
Justice is only ethical when it is focused on the future, not the past, with the aim of deterrence. There is no cosmic scale that is set out of balance and made right by revenge. Revenge is always morally indefensible.
I really don't care what intellectuals think, I am a strong believer in revenge.
Moral high ground gets torn down first.
Your actions (or rather your lack of actions) makes me doubt that.
Because you haven't thrown away your life for revenge, I think you have a higher aim.
Well, look how long they waited to get theirs.
Over 100 years of slowly accumulating power to unleash it against us when there is no way to stop them.
Rushing out and shooting/stabbing random people won't solve shit. Killing politicians and "scientists" won't solve shit.
We need to start our long march. We should have started it while Trump had our back.