I’m considering running on a platform that would abolish income tax and bring back tariffs, the first thing to get a big punch in the cunt would be these fem worship websites. Also time to beat these weaboo white knights back into resembling men again.
You wouldn't win. Either someone from your past would be dug up to accuse you of rape, or they'd cheat you out of it.
I don't think anything would draw out the attacks from the ruling class more than threatening the OnlyThots. They didn't spend literal decades tweaking and enhancing their dehumanization campaign to be stopped at the end phase where they turn the targets into human ATMs to do their bidding.
If BNY Mellon, one of the oldest financial institutions in America, and JPMorgan Chase, one of the largest, couldn't stop them, what hope does a regular person have?
The only way I can possibly see it being stopped is if everyone sane started refusing to do business with them. You can only blow so much on Amazon. The banks should refuse the "performers" having accounts rather than the company itself. Hit the individuals hard. They don't have the legal power or connections.
I’m considering running on a platform that would abolish income tax and bring back tariffs, the first thing to get a big punch in the cunt would be these fem worship websites. Also time to beat these weaboo white knights back into resembling men again.
You wouldn't win. Either someone from your past would be dug up to accuse you of rape, or they'd cheat you out of it.
I don't think anything would draw out the attacks from the ruling class more than threatening the OnlyThots. They didn't spend literal decades tweaking and enhancing their dehumanization campaign to be stopped at the end phase where they turn the targets into human ATMs to do their bidding.
If BNY Mellon, one of the oldest financial institutions in America, and JPMorgan Chase, one of the largest, couldn't stop them, what hope does a regular person have?
The only way I can possibly see it being stopped is if everyone sane started refusing to do business with them. You can only blow so much on Amazon. The banks should refuse the "performers" having accounts rather than the company itself. Hit the individuals hard. They don't have the legal power or connections.
Question, TI...
Why would you want to TRY to stop them?
Anything opposing the biological imperative (or its substitute commodity, porn) is apt to be crushed by a billion years of evolution saying "do want".
If anything is going to crush feminism, it's real price discovery on the value of sexuality. Which is precisely what OnlyThots does.
Because crippling this machine will unironically save children.
I am very disappointed that you pulled the Helen Lovejoy.
I mean come on. I don't believe for a second that you give a damn about the children any more than they do.