See, as a not-racist, I tend not to keep track of such things. It's not at the forefront of my mind, and it's certainly not an area of conversation I intend to interrogate them on. I don't know how 'mongrel' they were to meet with your approval. I don't know if they were "fully" white or "3/4ths black". Moreover, whatever 'racial signifiers' you are expecting, they don't appear on people who are so actually retarded they can't operate under normal conditions.
But whatever, keep pretending Islam isn't a problem as long as they are white Muslims.
I'm not awful, I'm just more in tune with reality than you.
I notice how you didn't answer the question. Were these successful retards white, or non-white? Or, are you too afraid to engage with that idea?
I never said white muslims are okay either. That's all you, baby. Muslims aren't white unless they're white converts.
Idiots like you who outright refuse to acknowledge racial difference in spite of all the mountains of evidence make it so that fixing any major societal problem is impossible.
We can't rally around a nation if the nation is constantly undermined. A nation is a race. By denying that you deny yourself, your ancestors, and your children.
What people like you don't understand is that by forcing this ridiculous multiracial, multiethnic idea of a nation you're sentencing the old nation to death and forcing everyone into a slow but violent collapse. Look around you.
In every western country there are now we have multiple nations vying for dominance. The architects of these nations, the White Christians, are the only group disallowed from in group preference and racial preference.
Now you see the result of, as the talk show hosts call it, "the inevitable browning of America." All our cultural institutions will be undermined in order to create this new muddled slave caste.
And people like you will lap it up because racism bad mmmkay?
I never really asked... jesus, you're awful.
See, as a not-racist, I tend not to keep track of such things. It's not at the forefront of my mind, and it's certainly not an area of conversation I intend to interrogate them on. I don't know how 'mongrel' they were to meet with your approval. I don't know if they were "fully" white or "3/4ths black". Moreover, whatever 'racial signifiers' you are expecting, they don't appear on people who are so actually retarded they can't operate under normal conditions.
But whatever, keep pretending Islam isn't a problem as long as they are white Muslims.
I'm not awful, I'm just more in tune with reality than you.
I notice how you didn't answer the question. Were these successful retards white, or non-white? Or, are you too afraid to engage with that idea?
I never said white muslims are okay either. That's all you, baby. Muslims aren't white unless they're white converts.
Idiots like you who outright refuse to acknowledge racial difference in spite of all the mountains of evidence make it so that fixing any major societal problem is impossible.
We can't rally around a nation if the nation is constantly undermined. A nation is a race. By denying that you deny yourself, your ancestors, and your children.
What people like you don't understand is that by forcing this ridiculous multiracial, multiethnic idea of a nation you're sentencing the old nation to death and forcing everyone into a slow but violent collapse. Look around you.
In every western country there are now we have multiple nations vying for dominance. The architects of these nations, the White Christians, are the only group disallowed from in group preference and racial preference.
Now you see the result of, as the talk show hosts call it, "the inevitable browning of America." All our cultural institutions will be undermined in order to create this new muddled slave caste.
And people like you will lap it up because racism bad mmmkay?
Fear has consumed you.