It's not education in general, just the History and Moral Philosophy part I'm pointing out. It's just inserted curriculum to teach the kids what to think. It's not described as just a general history class even, but as a government inserted course. So my point being that while I tend to agree more with what it's teaching, is that the only difference between History and Moral Philosophy versus something like Black History or Critical Race Theory?
It's more of a food for thought type question, as I can't decide for myself. Part of me says "yeah, it's good to teach" while the other questions my own hypocrisy.
Fundamentally it's a necessary evil. You have to teach the next generation how to act otherwise the society will fail. The only way to make sure everyone is taught the same thing is to apply it via society in the form of curriculum.
The society didn't just happen by accident, and it requires "maintenance" to continue to function and retain that form. It's a fair point that "education" and "indoctrination" are not discrete categories, they blur together.
It's not education in general, just the History and Moral Philosophy part I'm pointing out. It's just inserted curriculum to teach the kids what to think. It's not described as just a general history class even, but as a government inserted course. So my point being that while I tend to agree more with what it's teaching, is that the only difference between History and Moral Philosophy versus something like Black History or Critical Race Theory?
It's more of a food for thought type question, as I can't decide for myself. Part of me says "yeah, it's good to teach" while the other questions my own hypocrisy.
Fundamentally it's a necessary evil. You have to teach the next generation how to act otherwise the society will fail. The only way to make sure everyone is taught the same thing is to apply it via society in the form of curriculum.
The society didn't just happen by accident, and it requires "maintenance" to continue to function and retain that form. It's a fair point that "education" and "indoctrination" are not discrete categories, they blur together.