As you may know there have been a variety of background for mass shooters.
A woman shot up google headquarters when youtube demonetized her videos:
A trans person shot up their school:
And there's so many mass shootings in gangland in chicago you can't even list them all out.
But the press likes to push only the ones that meet their man-hating narrative - when the shooter is a white man - like recently:
Apparently this is his reddit post history:
**Of the last 24 posts he made - 12 of them were to one of reddits protected man-bashing hate subs - **IncelsInAction.
The sub description of itself:
This sub is for mocking the antics of anyone who identifies themselves as "incel." This is a term popularised on Reddit and 4chan meaning "involuntarily celibate" i.e. men who can't get laid. Some of them get really really mad about it, and here are their stories...
Incels who comment in here can expect to be relentlessly mocked by this community. If you don't like it, don't post here.
Did reddit's protection of it's anti-male subs contribute to this shooting?
It seems a lot more plausible than the banned "men going their own way" sub.
Huh, they started ruthlessly calling him a pedo.
Guy is from the United Femdom. 16 is 100% legal, even if you're triple or even quadruple their age.
So, what I'm starting to see is a weird pattern. I wonder if any MI5 types were in his messages?
Incels try their best to act nice despite their anger, but vent in their own communities.
Women go out of their way to attack these people and dehumanize them, in the hope they either kill themselves or give a propaganda victory by snapping and killing people.
I mean, they still to this day mention Elliot fucking Rodger and he killed more men than women.
I need to make a post that can be pushed to these people.
Violence isn't the answer.
You can't force them to submit to your demands for human rights by threats. When you are already a group that is dehumanized as a threat to humanity, you can't play into that narrative.
You can't give them what they want because they will use it to punish everyone who shares your label and everyone who challenges their "superiority". Their victimhood and their dehumanization is what gives them power.
All you're doing by violence is giving their Der Sturmer-esque media more power to dehumanize you and make the average person believe their lies about you.
Legality is not morality, or you would have to approve of screwing 9-year-old girls in Yemen.
When? All I see is "women are whores who deserve to be raped because they don't appreciate me not showering enough".
Anyone who defines himself by his inability to get laid is not human to begin with.
Yes, it is, but legitimate violence by the appropriate authorities. In the hypothetical case of violence by an individual, which no one should, he will do more harm than good for his own cause if he kills random people, rather than malefactors. Which, as I said, no one should.
Are you willing to go to war for the 9 year old in Yemen?
Occupy an entire continent? Proclaim that your god is greater and kill millions for following a false one?
Because that's what it would take.
Yes. Deus vult.
Go on then. What are you waiting for?