Edward Snowden - The greatest danger to national security has become the companies that claim to protect it
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There is no danger to National Security, because we are talking about the security of a fundamentally different nation. The United States that he thought he was working for had ceased to exist before he was even out of high school.
Correct. It's important to understand that America has not been one coherent nation for over half a century. Instead, America has been a collection of parallel nations, some loosely defined, others tightly controlled, and nearly all of them in permanent conflict with each other.
This state of affairs was not organic. It was orchestrated by a variety of interests, from international bankers and homegrown marxists to ethnic coalitions and hostile foreign powers. The ensuring culture war was paved over, for a time, by the colorblindness ceasefire of the 90s and the unrivaled collective wealth of the country. Now that wealth is mostly gone, siphoned off by rootless international corporations or grifted away to other nations by our own government, and that colorblind policy is torn apart by the racialist ideologies of the progressive left.
There is no future where America becomes to a united nation once more. America has already been destroyed. The only questions left are "what will the inevitable breakup look like?" and "how many people will be killed when it happens?".
Nice comment, I enjoyed reading it.
Companies and USGov: Edward Snowden is the greatest danger to national security.