Japan's always been weird with sexuality and gender related things, specifically the Wakashu/Kagema 3rd gender (literally femboys and male hookers who dressed like, Maiko, Geisha apprentices) until the modernization and Meiji era. Let's not forget all the gender bending, fags and tranny's in anime and manga since the beginning. It's not a big deal over there. Plus they're the same country that banned cheese pizza in 2001 only due to UN pressure (you can still buy scantily clad teen magazines called gravure) and the national age of consent is 13 (though cities and prefectures set their own AoC to 16-18). Meiji era is when things like homo sex was frowned upon and attitudes changed....On the bright side, their SCOTUS requires all tranny's who want to change gender be castrated, killing off the bloodline and ending that line of mental illness.
and the comment section and votes are overwhelmingly supportive, despite them being in Japanese and thus resilient to raids from Westerners
>b-but muh based Japan
Globohomo can probably scrape out a few thousand sock puppets to support the trans vanguard's assault on Japan.
Japan's always been weird with sexuality and gender related things, specifically the Wakashu/Kagema 3rd gender (literally femboys and male hookers who dressed like, Maiko, Geisha apprentices) until the modernization and Meiji era. Let's not forget all the gender bending, fags and tranny's in anime and manga since the beginning. It's not a big deal over there. Plus they're the same country that banned cheese pizza in 2001 only due to UN pressure (you can still buy scantily clad teen magazines called gravure) and the national age of consent is 13 (though cities and prefectures set their own AoC to 16-18). Meiji era is when things like homo sex was frowned upon and attitudes changed....On the bright side, their SCOTUS requires all tranny's who want to change gender be castrated, killing off the bloodline and ending that line of mental illness.
Asians have always been major social justice fags, no idea where that narrative came from.
Who’d you think is the next target that the “based” won’t shut up about, that’ll lead to another woke horde takeover?
My guess is on Poland or Hungary, they’ll save Russia for last.