And they disproved in court that carbon monoxide poisoning from being too near to a running car exhaust was at fault... By showcasing that Floyd had perfectly normal levels of oxygen in his body, thus proving he couldn't have died from carbon poisoning from idling cars.
...But you know, maybe I'm crazy, just a kooky loon, I don't have one o' them fancy med school degrees... But doesn't strangling someone impact the amount of oxygen in them? Like, isn't that kind of why you die when you're strangled, when you drill down enough? Your body doesn't have enough oxygen in it?
Weird how there's no damage to his neck when Chauvin had to assert so much force that it choked Floyd from both sides..
And they disproved in court that carbon monoxide poisoning from being too near to a running car exhaust was at fault... By showcasing that Floyd had perfectly normal levels of oxygen in his body, thus proving he couldn't have died from carbon poisoning from idling cars.
...But you know, maybe I'm crazy, just a kooky loon, I don't have one o' them fancy med school degrees... But doesn't strangling someone impact the amount of oxygen in them? Like, isn't that kind of why you die when you're strangled, when you drill down enough? Your body doesn't have enough oxygen in it?
Yeah, the idea of carbon monoxide poisoning from cars... outside.. is laughably absurd to the face of it.