President Donald J. Trump has written about CRT, what are your thoughts?
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What fascinates me more is that Trump (ghost?)wrote an article. It's nice that the anti-CRT crusade is catching steam.
I find it a little hilarious. He had 4 years to do this and didn't bother, now he's writing about what he should have done.
He did ban CRT, with an executive order.
The first two years when his purported allies controlled Congress was when the real lost opportunity was, but it's not as if CRT was particularly well-known then.
"Purported" being the key word. There might as well have been a Democrat majority in the house and senate for all the good it did Trump...
Part of it is elite sabotage, but also his lack of political skills. He's used to business, not the underhanded dealing that goes on in politics.
Roy Cohn hooked him up with the NYC mafia. I think he's familiar with underhanded dealings.
Indeed. Plus, I wonder how much of his order was hamstrung by his enemies within the government and outside of it, just like all of the other orders?
Demographics are slightly better than a coin flip at predicting partisan county voting outcomes at 60ish%. Since 1920 and the end the of WW1, Population density predicts county voting outcomes at 90ish%. This trend also appears in Europe, Australia, and the U.A.E. In America, the Democrats used the KKK to drive black farmers into the cities. Then it was importing the poorest, dumbest people they possibly could for sardine stacking into the rat cage. The higher the density, the stronger the signal, and the more power they aquire.
Variations of CRT are teaching the hatred of local majority demographics just about everywhere on the globe. Perhaps the solution is to revoke national and state voting suffrage in areas that exceed a certain threshold of population density. Stack only white christians into New York City and it'll only be slightly less communist than now.
Republican legislatures have been abysmal at representing their constituents since time im-immoral. At least the trend line over the last 30 years is of slowly rising conservative participation in local politics. This is a golden opportunity to go further than just destroying CRT. The propaganda is the average school's history book goes into overdrive starting in 1912. Every Democrat President suddenly becomes a God and there's a magical pawty switch cuz mixon's swouthern strategery.
What it says. That intersectionality is always about hating the majority group in any place. In your dread country Israel, Tal Nitsan tried to find instances of Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian woman, and when she could not find enough examples to demonize the army that way, she said that... they were so racist that they would not even rape Palestinians.
She certainly goes out of her way to undermine her own ethnicity, her own country, in every way that she can. The point is not that they say the exact same things everywhere, but that they are engaged in subversion everywhere.
In Western countries CRT is mainly anti white christian male. In India it's anti Hindu male. In the middle east CRT is about how the mellow Muslims oppressed the doomsday cult Muslims. I could only speculate as to why Far Eastern Religions seem to be more resistant to self hate propaganda
More importantly, the history books have a very twisted version of the second world war. To the average American, World war 2 doesn't exist outside of Normandy and the Holocaust.
How do you write a whole article about CRT without mentioning women's role in creating it?
President Trump, you were supposed to fight feminism, not cover for it.
Aren't you covering for feminism by blaming it on 'women', rather than 'feminists' - equating woman and feminist in a way that feminists do?
No, because pointing out women's influence in divisive activities will start to weaken their "intersectionality" as their allies realize they're just puppets.
I am not sure it will be a great surprise to those allies that part of their movements consists of... 51% of the human population.
I think you're missing the point. If you prove that all of these movements to divide are from women and women benefit from their actions, people will realize they got played.
The issue is that this is not as strange as you think. And they don't regard it as 'divide' movements, or they would not be supporting them. If you do demonstrate this, they'll say: 'wow, women are a real asset'. So this does not work at all.
You're a capable fellow, but you lack perspective and any theory of mind. If I were you, I'd learn what other people care about, and try to dig dirt showing that, instead of endlessly repeating what I care about.
In fact, that is what I do. When I see someone with pronouns in his bio, I know that guy is bad news. But I also know that 'pronouns in bio' will only appeal to people to people who already agree with me - which I must say, is a good deal more than the people who agree with you. So I dig dirt to try to find stuff that others will likely also dislike.
The whole theory of 'intersectionality' is that all their phony oppression is one. That women will benefit if 'racism' is ended, and blacks if 'sexism' is ended. Of course, they ignore their zero sum games, like their precious rape gangs.
Again, you have to be able to think the way they do. "Women gaining" is viewed by you as a bad thing, but not necessarily by others.
He’s covering for jews by blaming everything on women. He has openly admitted to being paid to post here.
Oh right, I forgot that the Evil Juice are paying him billions to "cover" for their presumably nefarious plotting.
He has also admitted that every time he is called a shill, they increase the size of his checks. So maybe he should thank you for getting him his Ferrari.
Shh, don't tell him how much we get!
I mean, you do deserve it for selling your soul to the Joooz, but alright, this week's bribe is sufficient and I will not reveal all your secrets... yet.
Thank you for admitting that everything I said is fact.
If you won the argument then he's ready for grooming. It's been months since you brought out the Hodor ? Engage the copy pasta device!
Your NPC conversation options include copy pasta text walls with lots of outdoor letters, a memorized list of joooos, and calling people Shills. Somebody playing along with your delusion is not openly admitting anything. Do you believe everything I admit to?
Well, that would prove my theory right, that they already own both sides and are just stringing us along with hope of freedom from their tyranny.
Irrelevant. Trump is controlled opposition.
The way you're going, you're going to brand even yourself 'controlled opposition' some time soon.
Trump is many things, some them bad, but he is definitely not controlled opposition.
Who cares what a jewish puppet has to say?
Common fat. At least rant about the Hodor. Shills, puppets, and pawns. Your game be slippin'