I wouldn't be so sure. All she said was that people can't change their sex...this is a fact. Yet it still took all this to get her off the hook. And look at the judge's comments
He did, however, stress that the judgment does not mean “those with gender-critical beliefs can ‘misgender’ trans persons with impunity.”
“We acknowledge that some trans persons will be disappointed by this judgment,” he added.
In other words, it pained them to vindicate her but it's so outrageous to chastise someone for stating a fact that the little voice in the back of their head convinced them to be rational for once.
I'm now curious if a trans person claiming that female in-group bias is the reason they refuse to recognise transgenders would be classed as "misogyny", reality, or a belief.
By the way what's the difference between "female in-group bias" and sexism? I guess a trans-person couldn't claim sexism because then they're admitting they aren't of the same sex.
I wouldn't be so sure. All she said was that people can't change their sex...this is a fact. Yet it still took all this to get her off the hook. And look at the judge's comments
In other words, it pained them to vindicate her but it's so outrageous to chastise someone for stating a fact that the little voice in the back of their head convinced them to be rational for once.
I'm now curious if a trans person claiming that female in-group bias is the reason they refuse to recognise transgenders would be classed as "misogyny", reality, or a belief.
That's confusing.
By the way what's the difference between "female in-group bias" and sexism? I guess a trans-person couldn't claim sexism because then they're admitting they aren't of the same sex.
Female in-group bias is a scientifically recognised trait, where women innately discriminate against all that aren't like them.
By default, without thinking, their answer to any issue is to take the side of other women.
I'm just really curious what would happen if the trans ideologues brought up the best kept secret about women and forced it into public eye.