TO BE FAIR, when conservatives/Republican voters try to actually do something they get put on watch lists, canceled, and/or arrested whereas leftists just get accolades, maaaaaaybe a mugshot at worst.
But then again, things are at this point since conservatives didn't do anything earlier for whatever reason
edit: leftists also get nice cushy jobs in government and academia
The line for what gets you put on a list skews hard against AnCaps and Libertarians.
A group of Communist terrorists attacked the University of Wisconsin's Sterling Hall building with a VBIED and killed a janitor inside. They fled to Canada, were given a protected status so that they couldn't be returned to America and be potentially executed, and in the end, the worst fate one of them had was facing 7 years in prison. He lived in Madison, WI until his death selling hot dogs and being unapologetic that his act of terrorism was morally imperative.
A man who believed that Science shouldn't be paywalled walked into his University's server room and downloaded the entire contents of it's academic papers into a USB stick, then proceeded to upload them to a academic paper sharing site. He is currently sitting in a federal prison and was sentenced to 40 years.
A swath of the Weather Underground terrorist group have become college professors.
The guy who invented Silk Road was slandered as creating a site solely for the purposes of selling drugs, and has been hunted and prosecuted about as hard as Osama Bin Laden would have.
The government knows who is a bigger threat to their power, and it ain't the pinkos.
I had a big thing written up, but eh.
TO BE FAIR, when conservatives/Republican voters try to actually do something they get put on watch lists, canceled, and/or arrested whereas leftists just get accolades, maaaaaaybe a mugshot at worst.
But then again, things are at this point since conservatives didn't do anything earlier for whatever reason
edit: leftists also get nice cushy jobs in government and academia
The line for what gets you put on a list skews hard against AnCaps and Libertarians.
A group of Communist terrorists attacked the University of Wisconsin's Sterling Hall building with a VBIED and killed a janitor inside. They fled to Canada, were given a protected status so that they couldn't be returned to America and be potentially executed, and in the end, the worst fate one of them had was facing 7 years in prison. He lived in Madison, WI until his death selling hot dogs and being unapologetic that his act of terrorism was morally imperative.
A man who believed that Science shouldn't be paywalled walked into his University's server room and downloaded the entire contents of it's academic papers into a USB stick, then proceeded to upload them to a academic paper sharing site. He is currently sitting in a federal prison and was sentenced to 40 years.
A swath of the Weather Underground terrorist group have become college professors.
The guy who invented Silk Road was slandered as creating a site solely for the purposes of selling drugs, and has been hunted and prosecuted about as hard as Osama Bin Laden would have.
The government knows who is a bigger threat to their power, and it ain't the pinkos.