Queer folks are not a monolith and I can’t possibly make every single queer person happy, especially considering the profound lack of LGBTQ [representation], especially in preschool content. All we can do is try our best and I think we did a pretty good job!
They want to groom your kids and they think it’s funny.
They want to groom your kids and they think it’s funny.
I want to put them in a trash compactor and I think their cries of agony are funny.
I kid of course. Theres nothing I could do to them thats worse than what they do to themselves.
I don't care what they do to themselves, I care that they are trying to drag everyone down with them.
Whatever they do to themselves, they will always try to groom others into doing.
Misery loves company.
"""""Queer""""" folks are:
Ideologically conformist
Attention seeking
Porn sick
Self-identifying based on their """""sexuality"""""
Sounds pretty monolithic to me.