I think my favorite ones I have been seeing are stores and restaurants with with signs always saying something to the effect of "The rules say you can be maskless if you are vaccinated. In unrelated news, asking for your status is a HIPPA violation, and no employee will inquire."
Yeah, no shit. I literally told him that in the conversation we had.
Unless you're paying for my medical bills, or are actually preforming medical care on me, you don't need to know my medical history. I'm not telling my employer either. Why? My employer isn't paying for my health insurance.
I think my favorite ones I have been seeing are stores and restaurants with with signs always saying something to the effect of "The rules say you can be maskless if you are vaccinated. In unrelated news, asking for your status is a HIPPA violation, and no employee will inquire."
Yeah, no shit. I literally told him that in the conversation we had.
Unless you're paying for my medical bills, or are actually preforming medical care on me, you don't need to know my medical history. I'm not telling my employer either. Why? My employer isn't paying for my health insurance.