Title. On the reddit board there’s a big thread sucking Johnny Depp’s dick for a video where he goes on about how thankful he is. Just fucking stop already. ALMOST EVERY SINGLE PERSON YOU DEFEND FROM THE LEFT LIKE THIS IMMEDIATELY GOES FARTHER LEFT AFTERWARDS WHEN THEY GET THE CHANCE! Just look at every “edgy” eceleb that KIA types defended, almost all of them turned left. Johnny Depp got a taste of his own medicine, but then the center/right bent over to save him and make sure he didn’t actually have to drink it. Same with JK Rowling. Fuck there’s even a ShoeOnTit thread at the top of this site. I think some of you just desperately want to be liked by the edgy leftists you claim to hate, and it’s really obvious.
They know that they can literally piss on you, and you will still defend them if a lefty calls them racist or something lol. Literally covered in their piss, you would still be screaming “we got to stand together bros!”
Mazepin was the perfect scenario. Russia doesn't care, Haas needed his money, I bet Gene Haas doesn't care, and I'm not sure F1 itself cares about any of this political crap beyond marketing and appeasing Hamilton. I doubt they'd have bothered with any of that BLM crap if Hamilton wasn't there to scream about much he was held down by racism. Because you know every white person who has ever tried immediately rockets to multi-millionaire with the most championships without the weight of racism on them.
Lewis Hamilton's job was to make F1 woke. His former team mate, Nico Rosberg, is a member of of the globalist komsomol.
Lewis Hamilton is sponsored by Crowdstrike.
Yes, that Crowdstrike. I just noticed when I opened F1 2020 today that it said Crowdstrike on his rear-wing endplates.
This theory might have something to it.
They're listed as an official Merc sponsor here: https://www.essentiallysports.com/f1-news-mercedes-f1s-sponsors-for-the-2021-formula-one-season/
Lmao, thank god I stopped caring about F1 after 2017. I tried to just ignore Hamilton's bullshit and respect him as a talented driver, but it all became too much. After seeing how nutty F1 as a whole and Mercedes in particular went with the BLM stuff, I feel like I haven't missed much.
You haven't, except for 2019 when Ferrari allegedly cheated, it might as well have been called The Lewis Hamilton Show.
Theory - Rosberg threw to help Hamilton out.